
February 7, 2018

Lavender Linen Spray

So I decided that I would throw this recipe on the blog since I've been asked about it a few times since posting to Instagram! It's suuuuuuper simple and smells amazing! I keep it bed-side so that I can just spritz the sheets and pillows right before bed.
Also I just want to note that the witch hazel is REALLY important. I've tried making linen sprays before without it and there is just no substitute. It really is a key ingredient!

Lavender Linen Spray:

- 2 oz glass amber spray bottle (the darker colors are best)
- 10 drops Lavender Young Living Essential Oil (or 5 drops Lavender and 5 drops Cedarwood)
- 2 teaspoons witch hazel (which comes to roughly halfway in the bottle)
- fill the rest with water

Shake well before use. Store away from sunlight.

That's it! Like I said - so simple, right?

Let me know if any of you decide to try it out or if you have any variations to this linen spray!

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